Delta will increase China service in the fall

Delta plans to resume Los Angeles-Shanghai service next March.
Delta plans to resume Los Angeles-Shanghai service next March. Photo Credit: Delta

Delta will ramp up China service this fall as the U.S. and China relax the flight restrictions imposed on service between the countries.

Beginning Oct. 29, Delta will operate daily service between Seattle and Shanghai and thrice-weekly service between Detroit and Shanghai, increasing from the twice-weekly service it currently flies on both routes.

The carrier also announced Wednesday that it plans to resume Los Angeles-Shanghai service next March with four flights per week. Delta last flew between Los Angeles and Shanghai in February 2020.

Between the U.S. and China, airlines from each country are currently limited to a total of 12 roundtrip operations per week. The DOT announced last week that beginning Sept. 1, that number will increase to 18 and then go up again to 24 on Oct. 29.


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